Faina European Day Spa

Fresh Face for Spring!

Fresh Face for Spring!

Happy March! Believe it or not, Spring is around the corner. That means it’s time to renew, refresh, and rejuvenate. We’ve had a fairly mild winter, but the harsh conditions could still be drying, causing skin to appear dull. That is why it is important to add a facial to your Spring skin routine, and undo the effects of the Winter season. Stay tuned for our seasonal facial pick that will be part of our Spring Specials coming very soon!

We’ve gotten previews of Spring weather in recent days, and sure enough Spring will be here before we know it! Most of us are so ready to say goodbye to Winter and enjoy the glorious weather ahead. We’ve had a pretty mild Winter, but still, Winter conditions do a number on our skin. The effects of Winter make our skin dehydrated, dull, dry, blotchy, etc. Revive your skin with our popular Skin Revive Brightening Facial.