Protect Your Skin ! Don't forget the SPF !
Protect Your Skin ! Don’t forget the SPF !
We sense that there will be a lot of frolicking in the sun this weekend, so here’s a friendly reminder: It may not be summer quite yet, but the sun has damaging effects which cause the skin to age. Warm weather days are finally here, don’t forget the SPF before you leave the house! Most importantly, have fun!
There are only around 93 days of summer. We all want to take advantage of the warm sunny days at the park, beach, picnics, barbecues, pool parties, lakes, etc. It is easy to forget to protect your skin when you’re having fun. Summer is really heating up in the last couple of weeks. Don’t forget to PROTECT YOUR SKIN!!! Make sure to apply sunscreen with SPF on your skin if you’re outdoors for an extended period of time, and reapply often. Don’t forget to protect your lips with some lip balm with SPF as well. Hydrating your body is also super important. The sun ages your skin, so try to avoid overexposure. Remember to hydrate by drinking plenty of water and moisturize to rejuvenate your skin after a day in the sun.