Wiki  -  Facial Rejuvenation

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SKINCARE:  Know Your Skin Type

How to treat your skin

SKINCARE:  Know Your Skin Type

Everyone’s skin is unique and it changes with age. That’s why you need an individualized skincare regime to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. Here’s an overview of how to develop a customized skin care plan to put your best skin forward.

Understanding the 4 Basic Skin Types.  Before creating a skincare regimen, you need to know what skin type you have. There are four basic types: normal, dry, oily, and combination. Each one requires a different skincare treatment to keep your skin looking healthy:

Considering Other Skin Factors.   In addition to the four basic skin types, you may have to deal with other skin factors, depending on your age, genetics, and health. Take a look at these four other skin factors that affect the way you should take care of your skin:

SKINCARE:  How To Choose The Right Skincare Products

Osmosis MD top tier products

SKINCARE:  How To Choose The Right Skincare Products

Contrary to what skincare product commercials tell you, there is no one product that is right for every skin type. You need to find the ones that work best for you. And, you don’t usually have to spend a lot of money to find the right combination. There are several skincare products you can have in your arsenal. Take a look at your options.

How to create a Daily Skincare Routine

Your routine matters

SKINCARE:  Creating a Daily Skincare Routine

Once you’ve gotten the right skincare products for your skin type, you need to develop a routine that keeps your skin healthy. Most dermatologists recommend that you wash your face morning and night, and after any rigorous workouts. The oilier your skin, the more often you should wash it to prevent acne and other blemishes.

In addition to choosing good skincare products, there are lifestyle choices you can make to keep your skin clear and looking healthy. For instance, exercise, eating healthy, and staying hydrated can do wonders for your skin. Additionally, your skin may improve if you stop smoking. Everything you take into your body affects your skin, so be as healthy as possible.

It’s also important to keep in mind that your skin type can change over time. For instance, people typically have the oiliest skin during their teens and early twenties, then your skin tone evens out for most of your adult life, and then turns sensitive and dry in the geriatric years.

Everyone needs a customized skincare regimen. So, look for products that work well with your skin type and then develop a routine to best treat your skin. That way you’ll always put your best skin forward.

Personalized  Facials by Advanced Skin Care

SKINCARE:  Personalized  Facials by Advanced Skin Care

Our pick for Facial of the Season is the Custom facial provided by Advanced Skin Care. Can you really find an excuse not to have amazing skin this winter? The  season is so harsh for your skin. From the brutally cold temperature outside, freezing winds, to the dryness of home heaters, it really takes a toll on your skin. No one wants dry rough patches on their face, or a dull complexion. That is why we have created a facial with your specific skin’s needs in mind. Following an analysis by one of our expert estheticians, your facial will be customized specifically for your skin.

Truly, Anti-Aging Facials Slow the Process of Aging
Array of anti-aging tools for you

SKINCARE:  Anti-Aging Facials Slow the Process of Aging

What is an anti-aging facial?  Anti aging facials use products and techniques designed to slow the aging process, brighten skin, and reduce wrinkles. If you’re on the quest for younger-looking skin, you’re in luck. There are a variety of anti-aging facial treatments to select from, including those utilizing vitamin-infused serums, collagen creams, and rejuvenating facial massage techniques. Additional anti-aging solutions include light therapy facials, laser skin services, and microdermabrasion.

Why get an anti-aging facial?  If you want to fight the war against wrinkles, enlisting in an anti-aging facial treatment at your favorite spa is a good strategy. Facials are designed to rejuvenate skin with all elements—from exfoliation (sloughing away dead, skin-dulling cells) to moisturizing to massage (improving circulation)—acting together to improve skin’s texture.  An anti-aging facial is an effective preventative measure when it comes to the aging process, and is good option if you want to skip the surgery for something less invasive.

An array of anti-aging facials is at your disposal including:

Microdermabrasion: Great for all skin types, this popular treatment involves a blast of micro-crystals blown across the skin and then vacuumed out, in order to remove dead cells on the surface of the skin. No downtime is required and it is designed to reverse the signs of aging and clear up skin conditions such as acne.

Light therapy treatments: This slightly invasive skin emits high-intensity pulses of light to penetrate the skin’s surface to help diminish fine lines, reduce pores, eliminate redness, fix broken capillaries, and more. Recovery time is not required, although initial redness may occur.

Exfoliating facial: Exfoliating facials boost circulation, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, and even out skin tone by eliminating outer layers of skin and prompting up cell turnover.

Collagen facial: This treatment attempts to halt the aging process by working deep within the dermis layers, where collagen proteins can be found.

Glycolic acid facial: These skincare treatments utilize glycolic acid, one of a family of acids called alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) that are common in anti-aging preparations.

How vitamin C improves your skin
TV host presents how Vit C improves your skin

SKINCARE:  Vitamin C is your best friend!

Facial with Vitamin-C Serum. “How to drop a decade and cheat your age” (without surgery) as seen on The Dr. Oz Show. The secret is Vitamin-C which is a super anti-oxidant, and powerful enough to replace surgery! By adding a Vitamin-C serum to your skin regimen, you will see a difference within a matter of weeks. 

However, not all Vitamin-C serums are created equal. It is important to choose a Vitamin-C serum that contains 1. Ascorbic Acid which helps pigmented, sun damaged, dead skin, and age spots while repairing skin’s balance. 2. Vitamin-E fights off free radicals which causes skin to age. We have recently brought in a line of amazing products that contains all of the above mentioned ingredients which may help change your skin dramatically. Clients who have had facials done with these products, also bought them to use at home, were extremely satisfied and have continued to repurchase. Skincare can be an extremely overwhelming subject. 

We get it. Why not come in and have our Vitamin-C Anti-Oxidant Facial to get started on a regimen using Vitamin-C? It improves skin elasticity, balances skin tone, brightens complexion, moisturizes & firms skin. Good for skin types. Our estheticians can evaluate your skin and advise you on suitable products just for you. 

Photos on the left as seen on The Dr.Oz Show

No matter what, we need to treat ourselves to maintain our skin healthy

Self-Care Matters

It’s not only a New Year, but a new decade! This time of year is the time we set goals to take better care of ourselves, and rightfully so. Self-Care really matters. It’s not just about a better diet or going to the gym. We often forget about our mental health. 

Our lives are so busy and we get caught up constantly planning and worrying about the things in our lives that need to get done. We often forget about taking time for Self-Care, which can be a number of different things. It can be as simple as a 15-minute meditation, sitting down to enjoy a cup of tea, reading a book, or doing something that you really enjoy. Spa treatments are a great way to have some “me time”. It’s an allotted period of time dedicated for not only relaxation, but wellness for your skin or tension relief for your body.

While you plan out your schedule to run errands and get things done, don’t forget to schedule in the time for Self-Care! Hope to see you at the spa soon!

Hyaluronic Facials

Skin Revive Hyaluronic Facial 

It’s finally feeling like Spring in NYC! Time to revive your skin by getting rid of the harsh winter effects and putting your best Spring face forward. Hyaluronic Acid is the latest and greatest for skin hydration. Try our Special Skin Revive Hyaluronic Facial provided by Advanced Skin Care . Keeps skin smooth & rejuvenates skin cells. Significantly reduces lines & wrinkles while increasing firmness & elasticity. Includes exfoliation, extraction (optional), face massage, Hyaluronic Oxygenation CO2 mask, followed by Ultrasonic device with LED therapy & Oxygen spray with hydrating serum.

Mesotherapy Facials are a good way to stretch your skin and make it more elastic

Mesotherapy Facial

The quest for holding on to our youth never ends. That’s why we continue to create new facials to keep your skin looking its best without resorting to any nipping or tucking. Introducing our latest pride and joy, Mesotherapy Facial! What it does: skin brightening, hydration, reducing scarring, diminishing fine lines & wrinkles. Mesotherapy facial focuses on rejuvenation through micro-rolling of nutrient-rich formulas into the skin. Using a cocktail of ingredients: hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in order to help skin replenish. Includes: face massage, light extractions (optional), exfoliation, & Mesotherapy treatment. Try it today! It’s far less invasive than plastic surgery and wayyyyy better for your wallet. What have you got to lose? Maybe a few lines and wrinkles.

Exfoliate your skin for a better healthy shine

Exfoliating Pumpkin Peel

Pumpkin is not only great in pies and lattes, it does wonders for your skin! Did you know? Pumpkin is packed with fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), which increase cell turnover, to brighten and smooth the skin. Pumpkin contains antioxidant Vitamin A and Vitamin C to help soften and soothe the skin and boost collagen production to prevent the signs of aging. Our NEW Exfoliating Pumpkin Peel is the perfect treatment for this time of year on its own, or an add-on to your facial.

Best way to improve your skin is to have skin goals monthly
when we take care of our facial skin, people notice it right away!

Great Skin Goals and Treatments

We all want great skin, but unfortunately, we don’t all have it. Some of us have particular concerns and problem areas like acne, pigmentation, blemishes, wrinkles, etc. Most of these problems can be addressed with good skincare on a regular basis. Facials are a great way to not only take care of your skin problems, but they’re also great for preventative measures. Don’t expect a miracle from one facial. “Maintenance”, as one of our clients likes to call it, is the key. Getting facials regularly may seem pricey, but think of it as an investment on your skin. Get at least one facial a month, along with proper daily skin regimen, and you’ll see results. We offer Series of 5 Facials at a discount price. All you have to do is make sure you come in for it regularly after you purchase it, and you’re on your way to beautiful skin!

Always wear a SPF cream, we recommend 25 and above
Sunbathing requires good skin SPF protection

Protect Your Skin !  Don't forget the SPF !

We sense that there will be a lot of frolicking in the sun this weekend, so here’s a friendly reminder: It may not be summer quite yet, but the sun has damaging effects which cause the skin to age. Warm weather days are finally here, don’t forget the SPF before you leave the house! Most importantly, have fun!

There are only around 93 days of summer. We all want to take advantage of the warm sunny days at the park, beach, picnics, barbecues, pool parties, lakes, etc. It is easy to forget to protect your skin when you’re having fun. Summer is really heating up in the last couple of weeks. Don’t forget to PROTECT YOUR SKIN!!! Make sure to apply sunscreen with SPF on your skin if you’re outdoors for an extended period of time, and reapply often. Don’t forget to protect your lips with some lip balm with SPF as well. Hydrating your body is also super important. The sun ages your skin, so try to avoid overexposure. Remember to hydrate by drinking plenty of water and moisturize to rejuvenate your skin after a day in the sun.

We need microblading to renew our tissue layers

Microblading Explained

Microblading is an increasingly popular semi-permanent makeup for gorgeous eyebrows.  Microblading also known as microstroking is a relatively new manual method of semipermanent makeup. It is an advanced brow embroidery technique whereby a superfine row of needles is used to create thin, hair-like marks on the skin through manual process of inserting pigment into the upper layers of skin to create the desired fullness and shape of the eyebrows. Series of fine lines placed along the skin, in the same hair growth pattern as your existing hair.  How long does Microblading last?  The effects can last up to 2 years with proper care, after which the pigment fades leaving the skin and your natural brows exactly as they were.

Aftercare.  For 12-14 days following your treatment :

-Avoid wetting the area for the first 10 days if possible.
-No swimming, sauna or steam baths for 2 weeks.
-No facial treatments for at least 2 weeks.
-Avoid makeup and skincare products on and around your eyebrows for at least 2 weeks.
-Do not expose the area to the sun or sunbeds.
-Do not pick or scratch the area. If you notice peeling or scabbing, this is normal and a natural healing process.

Aromatherapy oils is critical for the healing of your spirit and soul
There are many oils we can use to expand our perception of rejuvenation and renewal

Making Scents of Aromatherapy

The practice of using essential oils dates back to Egyptian times (it’s been said Cleopatra was a fan). Today, aromatherapy is used to promote well-being and stimulate the senses in a wide range of spa treatments, varying from massage to facials to hydrotherapy. Fragrant essential extracts sourced from plants, flowers and herbs are mainly applied for their therapeutic benefits; studies show aromatherapy not only improves your mood, but may reduce stress levels and treat insomnia. So whether you want to rejuvenate or simply smell delicious, we say aromatherapy just makes sense!

Know Before You Go.    Step into a spa and one of the first things you’ll notice is a signature scent wafting in the air—it’s there to entice your senses straight off the bat and sets the tone for a relaxed experience. Not only is aromatherapy used to set the mood in a spa, it’s celebrated for healing purposes as well. Different natural oils are used for different therapeutic benefits—for example, lavender endorses calm—so speak with your therapist about what you’d like to accomplish during your treatment.  Since ancient times, aromatherapy has been known for its therapeutic powers, celebrated as a natural aid that’s integrated into spa treatments and beauty products.

Reap the Benefits.  Essential oils are extracted from different parts of plants — flowers, twigs, leaves, stalks, resins, roots, etc. — depending on the oil. When choosing products for aromatherapy purposes, it’s important that they are created with essential oils, and that the oils are pure, natural, and non-synthetic.

Eucalyptus: good for fighting a cold
Lavender: good for antibacterial purposes
Sandalwood: good for calming the senses

Know How It Works. Essential oils work in one of two ways: through absorption or inhalation, although there are also some benefits associated with aerial diffusion (room fragrance) as well. Absorption is best used to alleviate muscle or joint pains, when the essential oil is directly applied to the skin. Absorption aids are found in skin-care products, bath remedies, and spa treatments.  Inhalation is appropriate for alleviating annoyances such as sinus congestion (it’s not recommended for those with asthma, however.) It’s found in steams, oils, and vapors.